Weight Management Part II
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Weight Management Part II

Obesity rates remain at historic highs, despite a persistent focus on eating less and moving more, as guided by the energy balance model (EBM). Explaining obesity as a disorder of energy balance rests on principles of physics without considering biological mechanisms that could promote weight gain. An alternative theory, the carbohydrate insulin model (CIM), states that increased fat deposition in the body- caused by the hormonal responses to high carbohydrate diet-leads to a positive energy balance.

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Obesity: Lifestyle or Disease?
-Weight Management Legacy Digital Marketing -Weight Management Legacy Digital Marketing

Obesity: Lifestyle or Disease?

American Medical Association decided to define obesity as a disease. Not all medical experts agree with American Medical Association. However, there is general agreement that obesity is a complex state with multiple functional changes that require a wide range of interventions for prevention and treatment. There are many factors involved, including genetics, lifestyle, psychological and developmental.

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Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression:  The Chicken or the egg story?
-Mental Wellness Legacy Digital Marketing -Mental Wellness Legacy Digital Marketing

Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression:  The Chicken or the egg story?

Current scientific evidence suggests that insomnia, anxiety, and depression have a bidirectional association. Insomnia predisposes people to anxiety and depression as anxiety and depression predispose people to insomnia. Insomnia, anxiety, and depression are associated with psychosocial distress and physical functional impairment.

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